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Media & Reviews

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Image Source: UNDP, Neuropaz 2024
Museum of Modern Art, Medellín - Colombia

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Apenas el 57% rechaza la violencia en hechos cotidianos en Medellín: con estudios comportamentales buscan bajarle a la intolerancia


The Questions at the Heart of Conflict and Peace

Voices of transition

What Does It Take To Build Peace After Six-Decades of Conflict?

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La perversión de la compasión y el castigo en el mundo online

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La atención humana, el oro de nuestra época

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The Behavioral Scientists Working Toward a More Peaceful World

The Future of BeSci for Peace and Security
UN Innovation Network


E17S12 The Science of Change: Andres Casas on Leveraging Behavioral Science and Neuroscience for Social Good

Masticar chicle y caminar al tiempo con Andrés Casas. CH #60


Research Lead: Is Equality Zero-Sum, The Norm of Self-Interest, Failing Better, and More

Mission Colombia: An Aging Society

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The biggest gap

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In the wake of violent conflict, film convinces citizens to embrace former enemies

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Encuentros improbables: usando intervenciones basadas en ciencia, arte
y participación para la reconciliación en Medellín

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Peace studies and the legacy of Emile Bruneau

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How science, practice, and community participation came together to give peace a chance in Colombia

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Can Behavioral Science Help in the Crafting of Lasting Peace Agreements?

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The effects of Covid 19 on Colombian culture

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Dispatches from the Behavioral Scientists Fighting Coronavirus in the Global South

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We Colombians see ourselves with fear and mistrust. Why?

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What is it like to be young in Colombia at the end of the world?

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Culture, Behaviour, and the COVID-19 Pandemic in Colombia

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Why is home the most dangerous place for many girls, boys and young people in Colombia?

Why is there so much violence against boys and girls in Colombia?

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Footprints that help reconciliation

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Why do Colombians see each other with contempt and mistrust?

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Why is fear the loudest voice?

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How to overcome Hate

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Why people vote against peace in their own country?

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Opening the “black box” of transitional justice

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5 ways to do nothing about feminicide while pretending to care

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