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Toolkits & Behavioral Insights


Transforming Territorial Narratives: A Framework to Trigger Prosocial and Behavioral Strengthening in the Progress Territories of the Social Group Foundation.

2023.  Casas, A.  Transformando Narrativas Territoriales (T.N.T): Un Marco para detonar el fortalecimiento prosocial y comportamental en los Territorios Progreso de la Fundación Grupo Social.
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Intervention Design Workbook.

Workbook para el diseño de intervenciones.

2023. Moros, L. M. Estrada-Mejía. C. Puerta, D. M. Casas, A.  UniAndes – PNUD Colombia.

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IDEARR Protocol For the design, implementation and evaluation of Citizen Culture strategies.

Culture Secretary, Recreation and Sports. Bogotá Mayor's Office, 2021.
Protocolo IDEARR Para el diseño, implementación y evaluación de estrategias de Cultura Ciudadana. Secretaría de Cultura, Recreación y Deporte. Alcaldía de Bogotá, 2021.
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The Behavioral Drivers Model: A Conceptual Framework for Social and Behaviour Change Programming.

2019. Petit, V. and Zalk, T. N. Updating and field testing led by Andrés Casas. UNICEF - PENN SoNG.
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Everybody wants to belong. A practical Guide to tackling and leveraging social norms in behavioral change programming.

2019. Petit, V. and Zalk, T. N. Updating and field testing led by Andrés Casas. UNICEF -­‐ PENN SoNG.


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