

Gonzalez, R. Mendez, N. Fuentes, A. Casas A. Building Trust in Times of COVID-19: a Comparative Study of the Association of Public Policies With Trust in Government (December 18, 2023). Available at SSRN: or
Varela, A.R., Gurruchaga, A.P., Casas, A. Restrepo, S.R. et al. Effectiveness and adherence to closed face shields in the prevention of COVID-19 transmission: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial in a middle-income setting (COVPROSHIELD). Trials 23, 698 (2022).
Bruneau, E., Casas, A., Hameiri, B. et al. Exposure to a media intervention helps promote support for peace in Colombia. Nat Hum Behav 6, 847–857 (2022).
Casas, A., & Hameiri, B. (2022). Giving peace a chance: Lessons from translational research in Colombia. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology. Advance online publication.
Pinto-Garcia, M. E., Serna-Hosie, R., Casas, A., & Méndez, N. (2022). Art for Reconstruction: A creative and art-based intervention for peacebuilding and reconciliation to reduce intergroup hostility and stigma after a protracted armed conflict. Journal of International Development, 1– 20.
Bicchieri C, Fatas E, Aldama A, Casas A, Deshpande I, Lauro M, et al. (2021) In science we (should) trust: Expectations and compliance across nine countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. PLoS ONE 16(6): e0252892.
Casas, A, Mendez N, Pino JF. Trust and Prospective Reconciliation: Evidence from a Protracted Armed Conflict. Journal of Peacebuilding & Development. 2020;15(3):298-315. doi:10.1177/1542316620945968
Méndez, N. Casas, A. (2017) Social Capital and Territory: A Multi-‐Method Approach to the Micro-‐Social Aspects of Social Change in Sub-‐Regional Contexts. Economía & Región, Vol. 11, No. 2. Cartagena, December: 45-‐79.
Mantzavinos, C. Casas, A. (2015) Cognition, Institutions and Social Change. Revista Colombia Internacional 84. ISSN 0121-‐5612
Casas, A. Abitbol, P. Mendez, N. (2015) Authorized translation into Spanish of Mantzavinos, C. North, D. Shariq, S. (2004) “Learning, Institutions and economic, performance” for the Special Edition on Cognitive Institutionalism. Revista Economía y Región, Vol 9. No 1. ISSN 1692-‐8989
Cárdenas, J C, Casas, A. Méndez, N. "The Hidden Face of Justice: Fairness, Discrimination and Distribution in Transitional Justice Processes" Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, vol. 20, no. 1, 2014, pp. 33-60.
Casas, A. Guzman Gómez, J. “The Eternal Yesterday? (2010) The Colombian reintegration process as Social Dilemma”. En Revista Papel Político. Vol. 15 # 1 Enero-‐Junio 2010. Pp 47-‐85. ISSN 0122-‐ 4409
Méndez, N. Casas, A. (2009) “Peace Education, political culture and social change. An empirical cognitive institutionalist analysis on the effects of pre citizenship on children”. Revista Desafíos. Universidad del Rosario. Número 21. Bogotá, Colombia. Pp 97-‐136. ISSN: 0124-‐4035.
Casas, A. Herrera, G. (2008) “The Reparations Game: An analytical framework for Transitional Justice Processes” En Revista Papel Político. Vol 13 # 1 Enero-‐Junio. Pp 181-‐205. ISSN 0122-‐4409
Casas, A. (2010) The lonely virtuoso: celebrating Rodrigo Losada
Jímenes, M. Casas, A. (2010) Contar o no contar: un análisis de la incidencia de las denuncias en los desenlaces de casos de secuestro extorsivo en Colombia 1970-2010
Casas, A. (2009) The Biobehavioral Basis of Politics and the Old/New Science of Human Nature